In 1934 the amortization of 15 and 30-year loans was created using a sliding ratio that changes over the life of the loan to figure the amount of principal and interest in each payment. This amortization is frontloaded for interest,…
My name is Don Daniel and I am an expert in Interest Cancellation and Optimization, this process was copyrighted by me in 2010. A tool that has become an integral part of our lives in North America is the installment…
Artificial Intelligence is prominent in the trading sector of finance Click Here and the same kind of technology is now available to consumer and business finance! Just think about it… a machine, a Financial Robot® that can take all of your…
With the powerful algorithms programmed into our Financial Robot… can cut your interest costs by 50 to 75%. Therefore our Robot can recommend a reallocation of a specific amount of those funds already contained in your budget and send more…
The P.I.L.L. Method Financial Robot is the only Artificially Intelligent Consumer Finance Optimization System in the world! It is designed to create for its owner the most strategic path to financial freedom using the most powerful algorithmic factorial optimization system…
We think of money as two dimensional, we make it and we spend it. We treat it as if it moves in lumps that remain constant and no matter how we use it the properties of money remain static and…
Wednesday August 3rd 2011 is the day the PILL Method Trust Inc takes a big step forward in providing our clients with a valuable additional service. Our clients will be able to receive instruction once a week on the strategic use of our Personal Financial…
I am now in my fourth year of helping families, churches and businesses extricate themselves from the curse of debt. I have even invented a copyrighted method to explain how banks make their money and how we as consumers pay…